Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Mortalis Idem

[author's note: I wrote this a really long time ago, before blogs even existed, I think.  It's interesting to see how my 16-year-old brain organized things.]

I am not familiar with all organisms in this universe, but through constant observation and self-introspect, as well as applying critical thinking and life experience, I have come to some conclusions, however temporary, about the human being- the homo sapiens. The human being is the Self.

To live life well and be happy with your Self, three factors must be taken into consideration: the body, mind, and spirit of yourself. These three elements of a human are of equal importance, although it may not seem so at first glance. The Self cannot survive if they are missing any of the three elements.

The body is non-metaphorical in this circumstance, representing the physical anatomy. The human cannot survive without the body, because the body is a vehicle, instrument, shell, and manifestation of and for your thoughts and spirit. You would not be able to think, love, or live without your body. Your brain is part of your body and should be taken care of physically, but it encompasses the other two categories as well, since the brain is the centre of the mental and spiritual aspects of yourself.

The mind can be defined as the centre of learning, judgement, memory, logic, experience and emotions as well as giving instructions to the body. It houses both the conscious and subconscious Self.

The spirit is perhaps the most complicated of the three elements of the Self. The spirit is not located in any specific part of the Self, although we contact it using the mind. The spirit is the life-force and soul of the Self, but it is not tangible or physical in any way. It has been described as energy or light, even the will of a person. Religion is the most common effort to realize or strengthen the bond with the spiritual Self. People have manifested their knowledge of the Spirit into God, and have put him in heaven with angels. People believe there is one God who created us and watches over us all, when in actuality, our Spirit is inside each of us.

God- your spiritual self
Heaven- harmony with the three elements of your Self (essentially, you)
Angels- your conscience