Tuesday, May 25, 2010

the end of an era

LOST's finale reminds me of some papers I've written: I start out the paper bringing up creative ideas, intriguing back-stories and compelling mysteries for a few pages.  Then I realize I'll have to double or triple the page count in order to satisfactorily answer the questions I've posed, and, being too lazy and probably on my 6th Starbucks doubleshot and 2nd hour of sleep, decide to just go ahead and wrap it up.  I quickly funnel the loose ends into a shitty "well see, you should really think about that and be good humans, and what if it is all a dream, meaning of life blah blah" catch-all ending, and pass out with my head on the desk.  So you see, ABC writers, we're not that different.  My professors were probably just as let down as SEVERAL MILLION VIEWERS are right now.  Not a big deal.

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