Monday, August 18, 2008

i love the smell of commerce in the morning

There really is nothing more inspiring than a coffee shop. Despite being charmingly ambient, you'll never miss the opportunity to overhear an entire conversation of a Bluetooth-wearing schmuck that thinks his conversation is more important, and ergo must be louder, than yours.

"What? Yeah, yeah Frank, ya know I have a 9 o'clock so this does actually need to be a good time for you. Yeah, no, I pulled the Johnson account. Yeah don't worry about that. What? Frank I can't hear you. Frank? FRANK are you there?! Okay, yeah. I lost you for a second. Ok, what I need from you is to let Jerry know..." And did you ever notice that they all have shmuck businessman names? Frank, Jerry, etc. and there is always a Bill thrown in there. I would say that 75% of self-important Blackberry conversations involve a Bill.

A lot of times they won't even have the decency to interrupt their "I'm an idiot because it looks like I'm talking to myself" conversation to even order coffee. The baristas put on a fake smile and roll their eyes at him when he digs into his fat wallet to drop $4.50 on a latte. Money that I cringe to put on the table, that's 10% more than I make an hour, or 20%, or 300%, since I don't have a job at all right now.

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